When asked, 8 in 10 Americans will identify themselves as Christians. I think it’s pretty obvious, however, that by taking a brief look around our nation, 80 percent of people are not living like followers of Christ.
It’s like “the god of the Grammys” who pops up every year during award season. Some singer or actor whose daily ungodliness is chronicled in every tabloid and entertainment website wins the statue and immediately, upon taking the microphone, begins to “thank God for this.” God gets a hat tip at the Grammys but not a holy life day by day.
There is little similarity between the Americanized version of Christianity and what most of us know the real deal is supposed to look like.
I think that many people have received this “Christianity vaccine,” casually or regularly attending churches each week that are presenting a weakened, broken down faith. It’s the kind of religion that Mark Twain explained when he said, “Church is where good people stand in front of good people and tell them how to be good people.”
CLICK HERE TO READ: Immunized Against The Gospel
Joel Osteen found himself forced to answer a question that every Christian — and certainly every Christian leader — will be forced to answer. When that moment comes, and come it will, those who express confidence in the Bible’s teaching that homosexuality is a sin will find themselves facing the same shock and censure from the very same quarters.
CLICK HERE TO READ: The Osteen Moment - Your Own Moment Will Come Soon Enough
How Should You Respond When Another Christian Disagrees With You? An example from last week:
In an interview on January 16, 2011, John MacArthur made a comment about a book by Darrin Patrick. You can listen to the interview here: “Theology and Ministry: An Interview with John MacArthur.” His comment created quite a bit of buzz over the follwing days.
Here’s what Dr. MacArthur had to say about his comments after the buzz started.
Radical Individualism - A Good Trait for Young Pastors? by Dr. John MacArthur
And here is a very mature and I think Christ honoring response from Darrin Patrick. I don't know Darrin Patrick but I respect how he responded to this matter.
Not Radical Individualism - A Reply To Dr. John MacArthur by Darrin Patrick
The goal of equipping families is a church-wide emphasis, owned by all church ministries and leadership. Even though the emphasis is quite visible in the events and activities, family-equipping ministry must move beyond events and activities to become an integral part of a church’s culture.
CLICK TO READ: Marks of a Family-Equipping Congregation
The Muslim Brotherhood has been thirsting for power in Egypt for many, many years. Founded back in the 1920s, the aim of the Muslim Brotherhood was to topple the British rule and its puppet Egyptian government. Their goal then was to draw Egypt back into their militant-Islam, Sharia-following, anti-western, anti-Christian fold.
Soli Deo Gloria