- "GOLD, GIRLS and GLORY: Though I never heard him say it personally, this phrase has been credited to Billy Graham. "If a man of God falls, it is usually one of the 3 G's: Gold, girls, or glory." Whatever the source of this sentence, I think is pretty accurate." Click on the link below to continue reading:
- "Today there are more than 40 million problem drinkers in America. Alcohol is the number one drug problem among teenagers. One in three American families suspects that one or more family members have a drinking problem. Misuse of alcohol costs our nation $100 billion a year in quantifiable cost. Because of these experiences and many more, I have often said that even if I were not a Christian I would have nothing to do with alcohol. There is simply too much sorrow and heartache connected to it. Avoiding this devastating drug is simply the wise thing to do." Click on the link below to continue reading:
- "Nancy Leigh DeMoss prepared this article, a look at the way spiritual change takes place in the life of the Christian." Click on the link below to read the article:
- "Miley's Dad is An Idiot" -
Rick Hermann is the Minister for Young Families/Single Adults at Blackshear Place Baptist Church . Earlier this week he posted a note on his Facebook page titled "Miley's Dad is An Idiot". Every Dad needs to read and heed Rick's challenge! I have copied his note below:
Miley’s Dad Is An Idiot
by Rick Hermann on Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 3:57pm
I am called a lot of things by many different people but I think perhaps my favorite title is “da-da.” I have twin girls that are now 9 months old. When I come home their beautiful little faces light up when they see me. They make a crawling mad dash towards me while repeating “da-da” in a very high pitched tone. I pick them up and barrage them with hugs and kisses. Needless to say my heart has melted and I am completely in love with these two little girls. This is why I am so upset. Every young lady is someone’s little girl.
Yesterday my wife informed me that 17 year old Miley Cyrus has a new music video out that is quite provocative and has many parents upset. In the video she is rolling around a bed in her under pants and proactively dancing with guys and girls in a dark overly crowded club. Did I mention she is only 17!!? Could it really happen again? Yes! Miley has gone the same direction as Jessica Simpson, Brittney Spears and a host of other young girls that started out someone wholesome and have turned into sexual icons. My heart breaks for the result of where this path will take all of these young ladies (see Britney Spears’ life). The first thought that pops into my head when I see situations like 17 year old Miley’s is this, “Where is her dad?” How in the world could a loving father allow his teenage daughter to expose herself in a way that will encourage young men, old men, and perverts everywhere to lust after her? Before you agree with me too much let me remind you that Billy Ray is just an easy target to a problem that is nationwide. Here are a few examples that I see regularly that break my heart as a daddy of little girls:
- Young girls wearing short shorts that say something like “bootylichious” across the back
- Young girls running around the mall with clothes that are too tight and too short
- Tweens and teens wearing in Bikinis (I know what you are thinking. Rick you are such a prude! Surely it is ok if you are swimming. To that I answer with a question, do guys lust less at swimming holes? To me a bikini is equivalent to a woman walking around in her bra and panties…just sayin)
- Little girls dressing like grown prostitutes.
Daddies With Daughters Food For Thought
- Remember what you thought about as a teenage boy. Here is a really scary thought: teenage boys are worse today than you were because of the infiltration of pornography.
- Remember your daughter and your wife does not think like a man. Your wife may tell your daughter something is perfectly fine to wear when you know it is not. You are responsible and you need to speak with your wife about the issues and present a unified front to your daughter.
- Talk to your daughter about how men think. Many girls have no idea how a man’s mind works and simply want to be fashionable. Explain to your daughter how men are visual and how certain clothing or lack thereof can open a man’s mind to impure thoughts.
- You are responsible! One day God is going to hold you responsible for how you raised your children. Are you doing everything you can to help your daughter live a life that is pleasing to Jesus?
Daughters are such a blessing and a gift from God. Dads let’s do all we can to protect their purity and innocence!!
Have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend!
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