Today is the 40th Anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision. Since January 22, 1973 over 50 million unborn babies have been killed legally in the United States of America.
Over 50 million unborn babies. Let that number sink in: over 50 million. Heartbreaking!
That is more the eight times the number people who died in the Holocaust.
Look at the number of people we have lost to war casualties in America:
AMERICAN WAR CASUALTIES (from US Army Military History Institute)
Revolutionary War 25,000
War Between the States ~625,000
World War I 116,516
World War II 405,399
Korean 36,516
Vietnam 58,209
Afghanistan 2,145 (thru 11/2012)
Iraq 4,486
War on Unborn 52,008,717+ (10/1/2010 from Bethlehem Baptist Church)
"Imagining a concrete picture can bring abstract truth to life. To help us understand what this month's 40th anniversary of legalized abortion in the United States means, one Care Net website offers this picture:
[I]magine Camp Randall Stadium in Madison, Lambeau Field in Green Bay, and Miller Park in Milwaukee filled with fans. Now consider this: to host more than 55 million people, all three of these stadiums would need to fill to capacity 290 separate times!"
The sanctity of life refers to the idea that all life is sacred. God is the creator of life and any attack on life is an attack on His authority and His worthiness to be worshiped, be it abortion, physician assisted suicide, euthanasia, embryonic stem-cell research etc. Human life is precious to God. (Genesis 9:5-6) Life is sacred and should be valued and treasured from conception to natural death (from the womb to the tomb).
God is our creator (Genesis 1:1; 1:26-27; 2:7) so He has authority to rule and govern our lives.
We know that Jesus came to save, restore and renew life. (John 3:16-17; 10:10b)
Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. (John 8:44; 10:10a)
The birth of Moses and Jesus saw a massive slaughter of innocent children. (See Exodus 1:15-22, Matthew 2:13-18)
Pagan worship in the Old Testament often involved child sacrifice (Jeremiah 19:4-5; Psalm 106:36-38)
Satan is still attacking God using abortion & euthanasia to destroy His image-bearers. "To murder a person is to attack one who is the image-bearer or God." R.C. Sproul
Proverbs 8:36b (ESV) 36 all who hate me love death.”
3801 Lancaster is a documentary film about Dr. Kermit Gosnell - an infamous abortionist who got rich selling abortion services to poor minority women in west Philadelphia. It is difficult to watch but we do not need to turn our eyes away from the evil of abortion.
Further reading:
We Know They Are Killing Children - All of Us Know by John Piper
Anniversary Pictures: Remembering Roe vs. Wade by Kathleen Neilson What should we do?
1. Remember 2. Pray 3. Offer Gospel Hope 4. Add Concrete Action
Abortion and the Gospel by Russell Moore
We have a responsibility to speak out for life from the womb to the tomb! (Proverbs 31:8-9)
Soli Deo Gloria,
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