Listed in no particular order here is a list of the best books I read in 2013.
The Hour That Changes The World
This book was first published in 1978 but I was not familiar with the book. The title caught my eye on a vendor's table at the Georgia Home Education Conference in 2013. I downloaded it to my tablet and immediately wondered why I had never heard of the excellent book on prayer.
And When You Pray: The Deeper Meaning of the Lord's Prayer
A closer look at the prayer Jesus gives in the first 5 verses of Matthew 6 written by Ray Pritchard of Keep Believing Ministries
Through The Eyes of C.H. Spurgeon
This book is a collection of powerful quotes from C.H. Spurgeon.

Ten Indictments Against the Modern Church
This message was preached on October 22, 2008 by Paul Washer who served as a missionary in Peru for ten years. Powerful word for the Church.
Stop Asking Jesus into Your Heart: How to Know For Sure You Are Saved
Don't let the title fool you, this is an excellent book on the assurance of salvation based on the finished work of Christ not on praying a one time prayer. Easy-believism is a blight on the modern church. This book can help a lot of people: saved and lost.
Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions Volume 1 & 2
Edited by Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis, has provided Christians with an excellent resource to help equip them be able to "always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you"
The Insanity of God
Powerful! See how God is working through His Church around the world. Persecution and suffering is a very real and normal part for many around the world. God is faithful. Their faith is strong and vibrant. Would our "faith" here in America stand or would it be exposed as a shallow fake?
Total Truth
Addresses how Christians have developed a wrong way of looking at life. In the culture war your worldview does matter.
The Masculine Mandate
A book that calls men back to biblical manhood - masculinity. Not very popular in 21st century America but very much needed in a the confused culture of our day.
Discover the Mystery of Faith
How worship shapes believing.
Walking East to West: God in the Shadows
Ravi Zacharias, distinguished Christian apologist, tells his story.
50 People Every Christian Should Know: Learning From Spiritual Giants of the Faith
Warren Wiersbe provides brief biographies from church history.
* I am not including the Bible in this list. I strive to read through the Bible every year. I agree with Tony Reinke (author of Lit!), there are two genres of books: genre A - The Bible and genre B - All other books. The books included in this list are from genre B.
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