With Mama joining Daddy in Heaven in November of 2011, I started 2012 finding my thoughts more and more on Heaven. I read Randy Alcorn's book on Heaven and followed it with We Shall See God to start 2012.
Heaven by Randy Alcorn
We Shall See God: Charles Spurgeon's Classic Devotional Thoughts on Heaven by Charles Spurgeon & Randy Alcorn
As a parent I need this reminder: Give Them Grace. My kids need grace, I need grace! God gives grace, I must give grace.
Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids With The Love of Jesus by Elyse Fitzpatrick & Jessica Thompson
Don't assume the Gospel. We have to get away from the moralistic, therapeutic deism that is so common today. The Gospel: "Don't forget it! You were saved by it, will be sustained by it, and are currently standing in it."
The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler & Jared Wilson
This past summer my church did a Biographies Summer Teaching Series on Wednesday nights. Jim Elliott was the biography covered one week. A few days later I was in the local library returning some books the kids had checked out and on the used book cart for less than a $1 was Through Gates of Splendor. I took this as the of Providence of God. I bought the book and read this classic. I had been hearing the story of Jim Elliott since high school but had never actually read the book. "He is no fool who gives what he can not keep to gain what he cannot loose."
Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot
I think this book should be required reading for all parents, church staff members and educators. This is where we have lost the culture war. To quote Voddie Baucham, "If you send your kids to Caesar for their education don't be surprised when they come back as Romans." It has taken over 150 years of secular education for our culture to get in its current condition. "Parents must take full responsibility for the education of their children." "Christians must understand the significant influence that education has on a person's life."
Kingdom Education: God's Plan for Educating Future Generations by Glen Schultz
Written by a real American hero who was a POW for five and a half years in Vietnam. Leadership is so important and is so missing in this day and age.
Leading With Honor: Leadership Lessons From the Hanoi Hilton by Lee Ellis
We lost a giant when God called Charles Colson home on April 21, 2012. This book was originally published as Kingdoms in Conflict, this revised edition was published in 2007. I like his original title. As Christians we must remember this world is not our home and while we are here we will have conflict. Although we are only passing through, while we are here we must be "salt and light".
God & Government: An Insider's View on the Boundaries between Faith and Politics by Charles Colson
Marriage is under attack in today's society. What God has said about marriage has not changed. The Kellers have written a book on marriage that is solidly grounded in Scripture.
The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God by Tim & Kathy Keller
In this book Andy Stanley lays out his philosophy of ministry for North Point Church. "Churches should be theologically sound and culturally relevant."
Deep & Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend by Andy Stanley
If you are looking for books to read in 2013 I can recommend each of these books to you. Reading them will be a good investment of your time.
Soli Deo Gloria
* I am not including the Bible in this list. I strive to read through the Bible every year. I agree with Tony Reinke (author of Lit!), there are two genres of books: genre A - The Bible and genre B - All other books. The books included in this list are from genre B.
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